
Printing Your Thesis Online: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you getting ready to graduate and need to print your thesis? If so, you\’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we will teach you how to print your thesis online. We\’ll cover everything from finding a reputable printing company to ensuring that your document is formatted correctly. Let\’s get started!

1: Find a Reputable Printing Company

Before you can print your thesis, you will need to find a reliable and reputable printing company like Tesi Lab. Do some research to find reviews from past customers and read up on the company\’s policies and procedures. Also make sure that they have experience working with academic documents such as theses.

2: Formatting Your Document

Once you have chosen a printing company, it\’s time to format your document correctly so that it prints properly. Make sure all of your margins are consistent, use proper fonts, include page numbers and make sure everything is properly formatted for online printing.

3: Preparing Your Files

When preparing your files for online printing, make sure they are in PDF format as this is the most common file type accepted by online printers. Compress the files so that they are not too large and make sure to include any other documents, such as graphs or images, that you want to be included in your thesis.

4: Selecting a Printing Method

There are several printing methods available for online printing. You can choose between offset printing, digital printing, and laser printing. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it\’s important to research each one before making a decision.

5: Placing Your Order

Now it\’s time to place your order! Make sure all of the information on your order form is accurate and complete. Include details about the type of paper you would like your document printed on, how many copies you need, and any special instructions. Then, submit your order and wait for it to arrive.

6: Proofreading Your Document

Once you receive your thesis, take some time to proofread it thoroughly to make sure that everything looks the way it should. Check for any typos or formatting errors and make sure that all of the information is accurate. It\’s also a good idea to have someone else look over your document as well just in case they catch something you missed.

7: Receive Your Thesis

Congratulations! You have officially printed your thesis online! After a few days, you should receive your document via mail or courier service depending on which shipping option you selected. Now all that is left is to bind it and turn it in!


Printing your thesis online can be a daunting task, but if you follow this comprehensive guide, you\’ll be able to print it with ease. With the right printing company, formatting tips, and proofreading skills, you will have your thesis in hand before you know it.